Hello lovelies! I would like to start by saying thank you for the great response I've received about last weeks post! So many people have contacted me through social media and people in my year at school have said that it was helpful and relatable so thank you! Now as you can probably tell from the title this weeks post is going to be surrounding the subject of sex. Yep, sex. That dreaded word. For some people the topic is easily approachable and they have no problem with communicating their feelings about it. However some find it a taboo subject and it's difficult to convey what they want to say without being judged. This is what I want to talk about this week; to begin a discussion about sex and the pressures that it brings to young people. For me personally it's not the people I interact with sexually that pressure me, I feel pressure from social expectation. I got to the age of around 14/15 and people in my year at school started to experience it and I started to qu...
I get inspired and start writing.