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My passion for rugby

So many people ask me why I have such a huge amount of passion for rugby and there are so many reasons for it. The first being that it was something that I grew up with. One of my earliest memories is watching an England match with my mum who was screaming at the telly as a penalty didn't go our way, something many of my friends and family witness me doing now I'm older and understand the game. However, my family only ever watched international matches and it wasn't until I was in year 11 that I embraced the club side of rugby.

The superficial reason this passion began for club rugby was my love for the player Owen Farrell. To this day he is my favourite and I did fan girl a lot when I met him. Whilst watching an England game the stats came up on the screen and highlighted each players club. Saracens is who Farrell played for and continues to play for today. BT sport had just began to show premiership matches on the TV so I sat down to watch, supporting Sarries for Farrell but also Bath as they are my local team. However, as I watched more and more Saracens matches I fell in love with the team, the passion they all showed and team work they displayed was immense. My mum turned to me one day when Saracens were playing Bath and said I couldn't sit on the fence and support both sides so I had to choose one and I chose Saracens. Ever since then, nearly 6 years ago, I have supported them throughout their highs and lows.

I am proud to say that since then I have not witnessed a season where my club has not won a trophy. 4 premiership wins, 2 European and 1 Anglo-Welsh cup, we're in pretty good shape. But for all the people who claim I'm a 'glory hunter' I have stuck with them through their low times where I could have jumped ship if I was a glory hunter. Earlier on in this season Saracens lost 7 games in a row, their worst record for years. Today they won the premiership trophy and this is why I absolutely love rugby. The unpredictable nature of it is amazing. Saracens did not have any possession of the ball today until 13 minutes in and still came out to win it. It is a game that encapsulates the best parts of sport without the violent side to team rivalry.

Going to a live rugby match is an experience. My friend Joanna, an avid football supporter, was so shocked the first time I went to a match and said that at rugby you can sit anywhere. I went to a Bath Saracens match, I wore my Saracens top and I was in a sea of Bath fans. I was given so much shit but I gave it back and that experience just made me love the game even more. All the agg is left on the pitch and after you can go for a pint and celebrate.

Rugby is so underrated and is not given the spotlight that it deserves.


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