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Every time I have posted on my blog about a good time in my life it has revolved around a boyfriend. I always preach about being independent etc but my life in the past has only ever felt completely happy if I was with a boy. Now I admit that I do miss being in a relationship (this doesn't mean I miss my ex, he is an idiot) but this last month has proved to me that I can be unapologetically happy alone. July 2018 has been the best month of my life, I have achieved the goals and dreams I had always set out to do and I have done that on my own, of course with help of family and friends, but it's a personal achievement and that's a fact that I am so proud of. I've always had a plan for my life and I have ticked off two major things from that list in July. The first was visiting my dream destination: New York City. Now I have my parents to thank for this one, it was their 21st birthday present to me and let me tell you it smashed my expectation! And the second was graduating from University. A lot of people told me growing up that getting a degree was a little out of my reach but I proved them all wrong. I hope you enjoy this post and share with me in this bubble of happiness that just wont seem to pop.

NYC: I have known that I was going to New York City since January. I have been so excited ever since and I've been planning what we would be doing every day when we are there (much to my dads delight- he would have just turned up and walked around haha). A week before we left I had created an itinerary and I am happy to report that we ticked everything off. I have two favourite days, I know I'm greedy, the first being the first full day that we were there. The plan for that day was: friends building, flat iron building, to touch the Empire State ( we went to the top another day) and the friends fountain in central park. This day was so lovely as I got to be a massive tourist and dance in front of the fountain to pretend I was on friends but it was also so nice because we could just explore the city. On this day we had nothing planned so we could just relax and walk where we wanted when we wanted. It was so interesting to see everyday life in America and to experience their supersize lifestyle. My second favourite day was the Thursday. We went to Rockefeller center, walked the high line, Grand Central Station, and we saw Chicago on Broadway. This day I could pretend to be Serena Van Der Woodsen, embrace by favourite musical again and have the best view of my absolute favourite building in NYC (see picture below). The whole trip was amazing but here are a few snaps from these two special days:

My Mums favourite day was the Statue of Liberty day. We booked to go to the top of the crown, something I didn't even realise we could do until we booked the trip, it was so hot when we got up there and me and my dad kept bashing our heads on Lady Liberty's head haha. Here are a few snaps from that day:

My Dads favourite day was his birthday (no surprise there haha). We did tick a lot of things off on that day: we took a tour of NYC by helicopter, we walked along the Brooklyn Bridge and we saw The Lion King on Broadway. My parents loved the show and so did I but after all the hype that I was bombarded with about it it wasn't as good as I was expecting.

With this New York came to an end but we weren't too sad to be coming home as a few days later my graduation was happening. I was unable to have my ceremony at the same time as my housemates as the ones who do English had their ceremony in the morning and Jen, who did business, had her graduation on a separate day. On the morning of graduation I went to campus to take some photos with my friends and wish them well, I was a little jealous that they all got to be together but as my ceremony came around I just embraced every aspect. As soon as I got my robe on I was buzzing. The first thing I did was collect my degree. To actually physically hold it in my hands felt like such a relief! It was a bit touch and go whether I was going to get the degree I wanted to achieve but thankfully I did and so to see it printed and official was amazing! As my ceremony began, who I thought was the vice chancellor, started to speak and I began to get nervous. Then he mentioned that this wasn't his day job and then I realised who was stood in front of me giving the address: John Sopel. Now to many of you that name doesn't mean anything but he's the North America editor for the BBC- literally my dream job- so I was thrilled but I have to admit it did add to the nerves slightly! My chat with him was so lovely. The day was everything I wanted it to be and it's the proudest I have ever been for myself. Here are a few shots from the day.

Throughout July I also had a trip to Surrey to go to Ascot with my friends which was amazing. I caught up with loads of my home friends and I've settled back into country life in Wiltshire. I'm now so excited to start my MA in September, especially now I have proven that I can be independent and happy at the same time.


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