Hello lovelies! I'm sure you're aware that this weeks post is different to what I usually post. Yes this will be a political post if you couldn't guess from the title. I wanted to make this to inform you on the options of the upcoming referendum that is taking place on Thursday 23rd June 2016. If you are 18 and over you are legible to take part in this vote which I believe you should do. I know many don't take part in voting 'as it won't make a difference' but believe me it does. If you don't voice your opinion who will? But in order to vote you need to know what you are actually voting for so here is some information on the EU and benefits and problems of staying in or opting out.
Okay lets start with staying in the EU- what our current government are trying to persuade the public to do. To start we'll go through the positives of staying within the EU. I'll go through 10 reasons as to why we should stay in the EU.
1. Jobs- 3.5 million British workers are directly linked to the European Union and so by leaving the EU these jobs will disappear.
2. Exports- The EU buys over 50% of British exports. If we leave the EU this is due to fall as countries within the EU benefit from free trade- this means that companies don't have to pay a fee to transport goods over seas.
3. The environment- as part of the EU the government has to adhere to the standards of the EU. As an impact of this our government has achieved cleaner air, rivers and beaches.
4. Power to halt multi-national companies- as a collective the EU has been able to stop big companies such as Samsung from creating unfair competition. The UK won't be able to do this on their own.
5. Free travel- as members of the EU the citizens of the UK can travel to other EU countries without having to obtain visas.
6. Freedom to work and study abroad- 1.4 million British people live abroad and 14'500 students took part in the EU's Erasmus student abroad exchange scheme. Also UK driving licenses are valid abroad.
7. The EU has created peace- Spain, Portugal, Greece and former Soviet bloc countries have been able to obtain a democracy through the EU.
8. Equal pay- Equal pay for men and women in enforced in EU law.
9. Non-discrimination- in EU law non- discrimination against sex, sexual orientation and race is enforced.
10. Fighting crimes- The European arrest warrant replaced long extradition procedures and enables the UK to extradite criminals wanted in other EU countries. In turn other EU countries can send the wanted criminals to the UK to stand trial also.
Now let's flip the coin and see the reasons for opting out of the EU. there are only 8 reasons for this.
1. Reintroduce full powers back to Westminster- the government wouldn't have to adhere to any EU laws.
2. We will retain the pound- the EU has wanted Britain to switch currencies and so opting out would secure the pound.
3. The EU is a drain on the UK economy- we have to pay fees for being in the EU. The government also had to use tax payers money to bail out Greece.
4. Immigration- the UK currently only have control over non-EU citizens immigration, however if we opt out of the EU the government will be able to restrict how many immigrants the UK accept.
5. Red tape- leaving the EU would end the 'hidden tariff' paid by UK tax payers when goods are exported to the EU caused by red tape, waste fraud and other factors.
6.Independance- the UK would remain in NATO and the UN but with its own independent voice, many opt out campaigners say that they want to stop Britain acting as a bridge between America and Europe.
7. Taxes- the UK would have more flexibility over how much tax citizens pay ( personally don't see this as a bonus, we do have a tory government after all).
8. freedom to change laws- laws are changed by the government but the EU influences this. Without the EU the government that UK citizens vote in will have the freedom to create new laws.
On reflection of these reasons, personally, at the moment I am more inclined to vote to stay in the EU. This is because it would benefit me more than if we opted out. But don't let my personal opinion cloud your judgement, evaluate these reasons and come to your own conclusion. Hopefully this has been helpful in making your decision and I advise you to vote!
LMR xx
Okay lets start with staying in the EU- what our current government are trying to persuade the public to do. To start we'll go through the positives of staying within the EU. I'll go through 10 reasons as to why we should stay in the EU.
1. Jobs- 3.5 million British workers are directly linked to the European Union and so by leaving the EU these jobs will disappear.
2. Exports- The EU buys over 50% of British exports. If we leave the EU this is due to fall as countries within the EU benefit from free trade- this means that companies don't have to pay a fee to transport goods over seas.
3. The environment- as part of the EU the government has to adhere to the standards of the EU. As an impact of this our government has achieved cleaner air, rivers and beaches.
4. Power to halt multi-national companies- as a collective the EU has been able to stop big companies such as Samsung from creating unfair competition. The UK won't be able to do this on their own.
5. Free travel- as members of the EU the citizens of the UK can travel to other EU countries without having to obtain visas.
6. Freedom to work and study abroad- 1.4 million British people live abroad and 14'500 students took part in the EU's Erasmus student abroad exchange scheme. Also UK driving licenses are valid abroad.
7. The EU has created peace- Spain, Portugal, Greece and former Soviet bloc countries have been able to obtain a democracy through the EU.
8. Equal pay- Equal pay for men and women in enforced in EU law.
9. Non-discrimination- in EU law non- discrimination against sex, sexual orientation and race is enforced.
10. Fighting crimes- The European arrest warrant replaced long extradition procedures and enables the UK to extradite criminals wanted in other EU countries. In turn other EU countries can send the wanted criminals to the UK to stand trial also.
Now let's flip the coin and see the reasons for opting out of the EU. there are only 8 reasons for this.
1. Reintroduce full powers back to Westminster- the government wouldn't have to adhere to any EU laws.
2. We will retain the pound- the EU has wanted Britain to switch currencies and so opting out would secure the pound.
3. The EU is a drain on the UK economy- we have to pay fees for being in the EU. The government also had to use tax payers money to bail out Greece.
4. Immigration- the UK currently only have control over non-EU citizens immigration, however if we opt out of the EU the government will be able to restrict how many immigrants the UK accept.
5. Red tape- leaving the EU would end the 'hidden tariff' paid by UK tax payers when goods are exported to the EU caused by red tape, waste fraud and other factors.
6.Independance- the UK would remain in NATO and the UN but with its own independent voice, many opt out campaigners say that they want to stop Britain acting as a bridge between America and Europe.
7. Taxes- the UK would have more flexibility over how much tax citizens pay ( personally don't see this as a bonus, we do have a tory government after all).
8. freedom to change laws- laws are changed by the government but the EU influences this. Without the EU the government that UK citizens vote in will have the freedom to create new laws.
On reflection of these reasons, personally, at the moment I am more inclined to vote to stay in the EU. This is because it would benefit me more than if we opted out. But don't let my personal opinion cloud your judgement, evaluate these reasons and come to your own conclusion. Hopefully this has been helpful in making your decision and I advise you to vote!
LMR xx
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