Hello lovelies! Today I want to speak about something a bit personal to do with my family so if you aren't interested in that kind of stuff I'll give you warning now to leave! About 2 years ago I lost someone in my life who I looked up to and I was so close to. My brother walked out of my life to start a new one with his girlfriend and ever since I've been kind of lost. I didn't realise how much it had affected me until recently which is why I'm posting this. Mine and my brothers relationship was a close one; I'd tell him everything and visa versa. We of course had the odd spat but that's the same with every relationship, isn't it? I never really knew how much I needed him until he was gone, isn't that always the case? He just left and dropped me like he didn't care and I believe that he doesn't care about me or my family. He hasn't spoken to us in 2 and a bit years and to be quite honest I don't think he ever will. Now whenever somebody mentions him around me I clam up and don't want to speak or I get anger built up inside me. Oh forgot to mention that, something you should know about me I'm not one to share my feelings with other people. So I pretend I'm okay with everything when I'm really not. Trust me it's not a good thing to do so don't do it, it's the reason I am feeling how I am now. I feel like I want to explode, I just don't know how to make the feeling go away and I don't know if I'll ever get over him leaving us. Can you offer any suggestions? Sorry for this post been a bit deep, I just needed to speak about it and I hoped you'd have some good advice :) I'll be back to happy posts next time; maybe a Mac product post? Love LMR xx
Blue Story was released on Friday, a movie about teenagers growing up in London and how they are sucked into gang culture. The film, which has been likened to the hit show Top Boy, has now been banned from all Vue cinema's in light of an incident at one of their venues in Birmingham - a decision that I think is ridiculous. Photo from Rapman's Instagram. While the safety of cinema goers is of course integral, the incident in question has not been directly linked to the film. In addition, many of the people involved are not even old enough to watch the rated 15 movie . Police have not mentioned the movie in any of their inquiries and have not recommended a ban - something the media has not shone as much of a light on. The reason this has got under my skin is that after I watched the movie on Sunday the message I took away from it is that the systematic culture of gangs is heartbreaking and unnecessary. At the heart of this film its creator Rapman is trying to say that, whil...
Such a brave post!
ReplyDeleteMe and my big sister are really close and I could not imagine going through what you're going through! Stay strong... one of my favourite quotes is: "Everything gets better in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end!"
Obviously I don't know all the details but if I could give one bit of advice, it would be to talk to someone! I suffer with panic attacks and whenever I keep things to myself and things build up inside, I have a panic attack and it is literally the worst thing ever!
It's only recently that I've opened up about how I feel to friends and I think it's the best thing I've ever done! Whenever I'm upset, stressed or anxious, I talk to one of them about it!
Yesterday I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and immediately I asked one of my friends if they would talk to me to calm me down and to take my mind off of it! ... Maybe you should speak to someone you trust about how you feel! A problem shared is a problem solved! And by posting this on your blog, you have shared your problem, therefore you are one step closer to 'solving it'!
Stay strong, Keep positive! Whenever you think of something that upsets you, think of three positive things in your life... it will help you have more of a positive outlook on life!
Well done for being so brave and posting this!
Thank you Sophie! That's a really good idea, I'll try it. I just find it hard to open up to people so I'll try it and see how it goes :) xxxx