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Writing opportunities

Hello lovelies. If you are my friend on Facebook then you will know that I have recently became a blogger for a company called 'University cribs'. This is so exciting for me because all I've wanted to do since I was 13 was to become a journalist and being able to write for a company that has thousands of readers is amazing. This opportunity came to me through my friend Ashlea, the company were advertising for student bloggers and as I write this blog Ashlea tagged me in the post and got all of this rolling. I suppose the reason that I'm writing this post is to kind of inspire some of you who are thinking of starting a blog but haven't built the confidence too yet.

I started writing my blog nearly two years ago now. The reason that I started it was that I write for a local magazine in Melksham, I've been doing that for 3 years, and I'm the kids columnist. This means that I don't get to write about what I want to as children don't really want to know about politics, make up or R rated movie reviews, they prefer how to make chocolate easter eggs etc. so I needed an outlet where I could write what I wanted. This is around the time that I was obsessed with Zoella and Tanya Burr, (I still love youtubers but not those particular ones any more haha), and they were talking about their blogs all of the time. This is how I got the idea to start my own blog. I stumbled across blogger and started one up and here we are. This has opened the door to many opportunities. I posted one of my film reviews on Facebook and one of the editors of my Uni magazine suggested that I wrote for them, I gave it a shot and I've written two articles for them so far. My blog also gave me the confidence to reach out to companies like the one my friend pointed me towards. It also builds your confidence in your own writing.

If you choose to start your blog on blogger it has this amazing feature where you can see how many people have read your posts and where they come from. this is amazing for your confidence as you know your family and friends will read your blog because they're supporting you, but when you see someone from another country has read your blog you know that they're reading it out of interest and it does make you feel proud.

So if you are feeling a little worried about beginning a blog just think you have nothing to lose. You are writing for yourself, getting what you want to say out into the world, which is the reason we want to write blogs in the first place. If you start your blog in search of fame and fortune your writing wont be as good as you wont be passionate about what you're writing as you'd be writing to please the audience. Write what you want to and when the success comes your way it'll feel even better

Take the plunge,


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